Income and Expense Reports

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at
Tue May 1 08:30:30 EDT 2012

Shokster wrote:

>You seem to be doing it right then. I can't imagine what else could be going
>The only thing I can suggest is to check any one account (eg.
>Expense:Groceries) and see if there are entries there from all three forms
>of spending (cash, credit card and debit card accounts). 
>If there are indeed entries from all three forms of spending, then I'm at a
>loss as to why it's not working right in reports. 
Maybe we need to find out WHAT reports?

Instead of the pie chart version, try running an ordinary "Income 
Statement" (in spite of the name that's both income and expense). Tell 
us what happens when you do that. I don't have a chart of accounts where 
there are so few expense accounts in the chart and so little nesting 
that I could test the "pie chart" version in a meaningful way.

IF you see the same sort of "lumping" with the ordinary report, check 
out the nesting level of your expense accounts with the nesting level 
you are specifying for the report (report options) because if the 
nesting level of the report is less than the nesting level of your 
accounts gnucash WILL lump together (has no choice). The default value 
for nesting level of the reports isn't enough for a chart of accounts 
with much nesting of accounts.


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