Account alphabetization lost

Elaine Breuer ERBreuer at
Wed May 16 12:17:54 EDT 2012

I began as treasurer of a charity in March of this year and started  
using GnuCash 2.4.10 on Windows 7 (I prefer linux or Mac but the  
charity director prefers Windows). When I generated a balance sheet  
for a particular date and profit/loss statement up to that date  
yesterday, I was able to do so with some fumbling, but somehow I lost  
the alphabetical listing of subaccounts (e.g., our list of donors  
under income now appears to be in the order in which I first added  
that donor rather than alphabetical as it was before, making it much  
harder to find the donor as new donations come in). Is there a way to  
have GnuCash alphabetize the subaccounts again? I tried bring up an  
earlier .gnucash file when I knew it showed them alphabetically, but  
it was not alphabetized so the problem seems to be something I changed  
in the program. I have looked through a few months of posts on the  
user mailing list, but didn't see anyone else having this problem.  
Thanks for any help.

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