character encoding reports

tereque tereque at
Wed Nov 28 03:51:32 EST 2012

it has passed a while already since my inicial post but I wanted to make 
it complete and post the solution to this that i have found:

 > Edit > Style Sheets > Default* > fonts

then select an unicode font in "text cell" (Arial Unicode MS it is in my 
case) and the Chinese fonts are displayed as they should.

This procedure needs to be executed in whatever Stylesheet you wanted to 
use of course. I have chosen 'Default' for this example

On 23/07/2012 23:27, tereque wrote:
> hi all,
> there are Chinese characters in my accounts. They display correctly in
> the account itself but when I make any report they are not transcoded
> correctly but displayed as squares.
> When I 'export' a report into an html file the characters in question
> show up as they should again.
> so .. how do I get correct of Chinese characters display in a report?
> many thanks

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