expenses bar chart report: selected accounts and calculated totals

David T. sunfish62 at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 8 17:35:35 EDT 2012

I haven't looked at the reports in question, but I immediately wonder what happens if you change the show account setting to use only first level? 


 From: hwwipp <heinz.wilk at freenet.de>
To: gnucash-user at gnucash.org 
Sent: Monday, October 8, 2012 1:53 AM
Subject: expenses bar chart report: selected accounts and calculated totals
report options setting: show accounts to second level

I have no 3rd level accounts selected, but all 3rd level balances are still
included in the totals of the second level accounts. And so the bars in the
report include all expenses of all lower level accounts.

This isn't the case in the income/expenses report: With the same level
settings, the expenses of unselected 3rd level accounts are not counted in
the totals of the respective the 2nd level acount.

Is this behaviour on purpose or is it a bug in the bar chart report?

I use GC 2.4.11 on Windows XP

View this message in context: http://gnucash.1415818.n4.nabble.com/expenses-bar-chart-report-selected-accounts-and-calculated-totals-tp4657237.html
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