why the "Num" field bleeds from one account to another

Colin Law clanlaw at googlemail.com
Mon Sep 3 08:33:51 EDT 2012

On 2 September 2012 18:22, Anna's unattended mail
<anna.morris-1okt59qe at cool.fr.nf> wrote:
> Why are the "num" numbers the same on all accounts that the
> transaction touches?  That is, if I enter a transaction and the bank
> numbers the transaction as "123456", I record that number in the
> register for that bank.  However, outside of my control, this number
> also appears on the expense account for the corresponding transaction.
> I would like to use the order number on the expense accounts "num"
> field.  Or I might want to create a unique number on the expense
> report so auditors can correlate that to a receipt that would have the
> same number.

If you open the splits on the transaction (click the Split button on
the toolbar) you get separate fields for each split of the
transaction.  There is not a Num field but there are the Action and
Memo fields that allow you to record unique data against each split.
You may be able to use these to satisfy your needs.


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