-.gnucash files

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Mon Sep 17 09:16:27 EDT 2012

For the record, this is in the FAQ:



"Maf. King" <maf at chilwell.net> writes:

> On Mon 17 September 12 09:56:56 AlainCageda wrote:
>>I have probably been mistaking "proper" file with backup files all along.
>>How do I know one from the others? The file I'm looking for is probably
>>lost somewhere and I don't know where to look.
> Well, from the info you have supplied earlier in the thread, your original 
> file was PERSO (possibly with a .gnucash extension) without any timestamps.  
> However, since you have made changes to backups, I wouldn't worry too much 
> about the original file, now, it will be hoplessly out of date.  Make a new 
> "main" file, by doing a "save as" from the most recently edited datafile! 
>>I don't know why some files now go to "Documents" wheras they all
>>(apparently) used to stay in "Users>My name". The only thing I did which
>>apparently made a difference was Copying one file from "Users>My name" to
> Yep, that would do it.  Copy file from place A to place B.  then you opened 
> the file in place B.  GC remembers the last data file opened, so if you start 
> the program directly (start menu, command prompt etc.)  you can easily end up 
> editing wrong or backup files.
> Assuming that Windows knows it should open *.gnucash files with GC (KDE does), 
> I find that always starting GC by (double-)clicking on the data file I want to 
> work with is the best way to start GC.  (but then, I have 5 separate files 
> that I regularly use, so the last-opened one is usually wrong anyway!) 
> HTH,
> Maf.
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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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