Finance Quote TIAA/CREF module broken again

davelist at davelist at
Thu Sep 20 07:53:52 EDT 2012

On Sep 19, 2012, at 2:28 AM, Mike Alexander <mta at> wrote:

> TIAA/CREF has changed their web site again, quite extensively this time, and this has broken the Finance Quote module that gets their quotes.  I just posted a fixed version that Carl LaCombe sent to me to the ticket that is tracking these changes.  You can find the description of this at <> and the file itself is at <>. If you replace the copy of that is part of your installed version of Finance Quote with this file (after decompressing it) things should work again.
> I get no credit for this, all of the hard work was done by Carl LaCombe, who did a great job of digging out the information necessary to download quotes for 195 different funds available from TIAA/CREF.
>       Mike

Thanks to Carl for working on this, but it still doesn't seem to work for me.

I copied the file to /Library/Perl/5.12/Finance/Quote on my Mac.

I also tried removing all the extra (looks like man page) text from the bottom of the file, but that didn't help. Is it working now for you?

I still get the message that it was unable to retrieve quotes for TIAA-CREF (other quotes do work).

Any other suggestions? It was working until TIAA-CREF made the changes a few weeks ago.


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