Split credit card transaction

Elmer Schartow elmobud at tm.net
Fri Apr 26 16:00:53 EDT 2013

After using MoneyCounts for 20 some years, I'm in a steep learning curve 
with Gnucash.I'm using Windows 8 and question if Gnucash will work on 
it.  I downloaded v. 2.4.11 and have started inputting my checkbook.  
I'm having trouble inputting a _split transaction for my Visa credit 
card_.  I cannot seem to find a good example of how to do this,.. in the 
tutorial or on the internet.  I've established the Liabilities Visa 
credit card account, but not sure how it's used.  Didn't have that in 
MoneyCounts.  I've had the trial entry completely disappear on me me a 
couple times.  Can't find how to recall it to correct it. But it shows 
in the Liabilities credit card account..... ?????? (Wrong, of course)

Can you please help me??

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