Automatic Reconcilliation using MT940 or OFX

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Mon Dec 2 10:27:45 EST 2013


Egbert van der Wal <ewal at> writes:

> So I still have to do the manual reconcilliation even if there is a
> complete match with the imported OFX file?

Yes, because reconciliation is about making sure that your accounts
match the bank accounts at well defined boundaries.  This is done by
going through your bank statement and "reconciling" your accounts to the
bank's view of your accounts.  All that an import proves is that your
transaction has cleared the bank, which is why it gets marked as C.

This is by all design.

> And then still the issue remains that only half of the items are
> actually cleared, even though all of them have been matched (and are
> green) in the import matcher. The rest remain marked as 'N' even
> though I did select 'R' in the import matcher. Am I running into a bug
> here?

Sorry, I don't have an answer for this.  It may be a bug or it may be
user input error.  Sorry I cannot you with help that.

> Thanks for your reply,
> Egbert van der Wal


> On 02/12/13 16:17, Derek Atkins wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Egbert van der Wal <ewal at> writes:
>> [snip]
>>> Then, additionally, when I select 'R' (or 'U + R', doesn't make a
>>> difference) and click 'Ok', it doesn't really work. About half of the
>>> transactions are marked as 'C' in the 'R' column in the register. The
>>> rest is marked 'N', and thus, nothing is marked 'Y'. This means that I
>>> can use this function to import the transactions, but not to reconcile
>>> them (even though the reconcilliation matcher suggests that it will do
>>> this). I'm also puzzled as to why only half of the transactions are
>>> actually marked 'C' and the rest 'N'. The console or GnuCash doesn't
>>> report any errors whatsoever.
>>> I'm using GnuCash 2.4.13, by the way.
>>> Any ideas on these issues?
>> This is how it is supposed to work.  The only way to mark items "y" it
>> to go through the Reconcile process.  The importer will only clear your
>> items.
>>> Regards,
>>> Egbert
>>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
>> -derek

       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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