Is there any way I can customise/move columns in an Account Register just like you can do so in the Account Tab Display?

James Martin jmartin9 at
Wed Dec 11 09:19:56 EST 2013

On this thread Derek Atkins explained that the column order is hard-coded.
I've spent several hours looking for it in the various source code and 
dOxygen docs.

I would appreciate knowing where, in the source files,  I can change the 
hard coded option.    I don't need flexibility once that is done.    I 
just need the    debit and credit columns swapped.

I realize it means re-compiling - I'm not a programmer as such - but 
this kind of hopefully simple 'debug' style change I can usually do.

[ reason for doing it - both my online banking accounts use the reverse 
column order to GNUCASH - I prefer to not go through gyration of 
printing out / exporting spreadsheet, custom report etc. ]

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