Employee Expense Vouchers

John Donnee jdonnee at ec.rr.com
Mon Dec 23 11:25:09 EST 2013

I might have solved my problem from my earlier email.

I have NOT been using “Process Payment”

I have been entering the Splits directly in to the Check Register.

Is this correct:

1. Create a new Expense Voucher.

2. Enter each of the line items with each of the Expense Categories and Post

3. Then go back in to Employee and select “Process Payment

4. In the Process Payment select Checking

5. Enter the total expense amount pif it is different than on the Expense report.

6. This will then process the split transaction and post the correct line item amounts to the correct expense category.

	Or does the each of the expense categories get updated when I created the original expense report.

7. Then I DO NOT need to go in to the Check register and create the split transaction as I have been doing.

It would really be great if there was an example of processing a multi line Expense report.


John Donnee

8422 Emerald Dunes Rd.
Wilmington, NC 28411

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