Preconfigured Reports

John Gowing john.gowing at
Sat Dec 28 02:52:52 EST 2013

   Hi Geert
   Ah I see.
   I have been looking at the features on the 2.5 series with some
   excitement. I use some of the business features, and credit notes is
   certainly a welcome addition, and many of the other new features look
   very interesting
   My Current production GNU Cash is 2.4.10 on Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit.  How
   can I install GC2.5x alongside 2.4.x on the same system without them
   interfering with each other, so I can take a look at these new
   feastures? Or would I need to use a separate system?

        John Gowing

   On 24/12/2013 12:48, Geert Janssens wrote:

   On Tuesday 24 December 2013 09:38:58 John Gowing wrote:

   > Hi Peter

   > I am using GC 2.4.10 (Current release in Ubuntu 12.04; 2.4.13 is

   > latest stable), and I don't see a Save As button for reports, or a

   > "Pre-Configured Reports Dialog"

   > Once you have a report open, There is a "Disk with a Down Arrow"

   > button with a "Add the current report to the Custom Menu" function,

   > which is exactly what it does, however remember you MUST change the

   > Name of the report for this button to become active.

   > Reports thus saved are then available from the main Menu Bar >

   > Reports

   > > Custom Reports Option which will give the dialog with the list of


   > customer reports from which to choose.

   Hi John,

   Peter is referring to the current development releases of GnuCash. The
   report saving code has changed in these versions.

   For starters, you don't need to change the report name any more before
   saving it and there are two buttons on the tool bar now: one to save a
   report with a different name, or one to overwrite an already saved
   report (similar to how "save" and "save as" work for ordinary files).

   What is still as before is the name of the menu item to reopen a saved

   Peter, to open your preconfigured reports again, you can use

   "Reports->Custom Reports"

   This is a blatant inconsistency in the renewed report saving code,
   which I'll fix before 2.6 is released still. The dialog and menu should
   use the same terminology.


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