Sign error - budget reports

Abhijit Kshirsagar abhijit86k at
Mon Dec 30 12:59:45 EST 2013

On Sun, Dec 29, 2013 at 5:18 AM, Frank H. Ellenberger
<frank.h.ellenberger at> wrote:

> That should be related to Edit->Preferences->Accounts->Reverse Balanced
> Accounts.

This is correct, and does the intended things for income and expense accounts.
The way i see it, for the purpose of budget reports bank accounts
should be treated like income accounts, but for display the balances
should not be reversed since they represent actual balances.

I was trying to tinker with the scheme code in budget.scm
(/<install-path>guile-modules/gnucash/report/standard-reports/ (I;m
using Gnucash 2.4.10 from the debian stable repos).
Shouldn't the "if" condition on line 343* ) check for income, bank,
and others before computing dif-numeric-val?

Thanks and Regards,


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