EU en USD currencies not updated after upgrading to Ubunto 12.04

Frank H. Ellenberger frank.h.ellenberger at
Tue Dec 31 10:38:25 EST 2013

Am 31.12.2013 01:53, schrieb liberace:
> Sorry Frank indeed
> # perldoc -lm Finance::Quote::Currencies
> /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.18.1/Finance/Quote/
> You suspect F::Q twice installed , from Ubuntu andCPAN, but only one was
> updated and now the old version is disturbing.
> I see that ubuntu 12.04  installed as latest version ilibfinance-quote-perl
> (1.17+git20110918-1)
> If I want this remove in Synaptic Package Manager than also Gnucash will be
> removed
> Solution?

As ubuntu 12.04 claims to be LTS, you should ask at ubuntu for an 
update. Strange, they should have done that over a year ago.

In between you can try:
  sudo gnc-fq-update

If that has no effect, search for a solution to have cpan perl before 
ubuntu perl in the respective execution path.

If that is too complicated or has undesired effects, search 
/usr/lib/perl5 for Finance/Quote dirs and move manually that with the 
1.17 modules out of the way as root. But be aware that might confuse 
your package manager.


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