Register fonts fuzzy and icons fuzzy on Mac Retina Display

John Ralls jralls at
Tue Dec 31 10:41:30 EST 2013

On Dec 30, 2013, at 9:34 PM, Alex Sims <alex at> wrote:

> I’ve just downloaded Gnucash 2.6.0 and notice that the fuzziness of the register is the same as 2.4.13.
> In particular the following items are composed of two by two pixel blocks and appear fuzzy compared with the rest of the screen which is constructed of single pixel blocks
> - Icons in the toolbar
> - Icons for each account
> - all text in the register
> Some items are fine e.g.
> - Text in the toolbar
> - Account names in the tabs above the register
> - Status bar for account - e.g. Present: $123.45
> - Date for current transaction
> I keep checking my glasses are on with the fuzzy register and they are. Any hints as how to resolve this/work on the problem?

Nothing much we can do about the icons: Gtk2 doesn't support hi-res displays, and there's a lot of work to do before we can migrate to Gtk3, which does. You can try different fonts by creating a file .gtkrc-2.0 in your home directory with the following:

style "new_font"
font_name = "DejaVu Sans 10"
widget_class "*" style "new_font"
gtk-font-name = "DejaVu Sans 10"

Substitute any font name and size that you find in the FontBook app for DejaVu Sans 10. Maybe you can find one that renders OK in the register. 

You can also try editing and removing the lines
I added those because someone posted them to the list earlier this year saying that they made GnuCash look better on a Retina display. I don't yet have a Retina display to test with, so I can't offer much more help.

John Ralls

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