Now I have to ask for help

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at
Sun Feb 3 17:21:02 EST 2013

> Create an icon on your desktop that runs "gnucash --nofile"
>     I believe that the Last File Opened issue is handled by others by
>     creating desktop shortcuts for GnuCash that explicitly name the
>     data file to open. This has been discussed in the lists, and the
>     techniques vary by operating system.
>     The list of files opened is maintained by the operating system;
>     clearing it out can be done, has been discussed on the lists, and
>     also varies by OS.

OK, I didn't imagine that this would be an operating system thing! (I 
don't think you actually* mean the operating system)

I'm running Windows XP  (I have end users to support who would be very 
unhappy with a 'nix)

I'm amazingly inexperienced with these little machines considering that 
I designed/wrote perhaps 300K lines of code in my day. But that's 
mainframe apps under mainframe operating systems. I have done scripts 
under 'nix but never under Windows so please .......

step by step instructions and I'll give it a try


* Each USER on the computer system would have gnucash opening just that 
user's files. Has to be data stored at the user level, not the operating 
system level.

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