QFX file format...where's account name?

. peace at AleksandrSolzhenitsyn.net
Wed Jan 30 23:19:54 EST 2013

When I import a QFX file from the credit card company I use, GC often
provides the account name for an individual transaction.

For example; the imported QFX file has 10 transactions in it. 9 of them
are listed as "unbalanced" while the remaining 1 transaction has the
account tag (tag is my word for it) of "Food". Let's just say this
transaction was at FOOD WORLD.

Regardless of where the transaction took place, I'd like to know if I
could edit the QFX file so that there would be the proper accounts
listed for transactions made at food stores? It's time consuming to
import the transactions as unbalanced and then have to edit them all.

Any hints on how to do this?

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