Best way to import data or create transaction

Niranjan Rao nhrdls at
Tue Jul 30 18:01:14 EDT 2013


Paycheck I receive varies every cycle and as a result so does the split 
amounts of the transaction. The service provider my company uses has 
data available on the site, but no downloads except payslip stub in PDF 

I have written a simple scraper and I able to login and scrape data from 
service provider.

Normally I get a notification few days in advance about upcoming 
paycheck. I would like to scrape data and create a transaction in 
gnucash that has right splits based on this scraped data. Ideally I 
should be able to change upcoming scheduled transaction with the new data.

What will be the best way to do this? I am not yet saving the scraped 
data so changing incoming data format is not a big deal.



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