
Holtug holtug at
Wed Mar 6 15:39:37 EST 2013

Hi, I’m new to Gnucash and need your help.


I just finished entering all my shares, funds and bonds and wanted to see a
report with the totals. But there are no totals!


It is very simple what I want to see : A column with the quantity, share
price and value in local currency and a column with the equivilant in Euros.


I tried to delete and reenter everything twice (more than 30 investments!),
but it is still the same. Since this is a simple report that everybody wants
to look at every day, I know I’m the problem. What am I doing wrong? Can you
help, please.


Bente Holtug

7 Ruelle des Prés

F-06000 Nice

Tel: +33 (0)4 93870334


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