Inconsistency in date format

John Ralls jralls at
Thu May 2 14:46:08 EDT 2013

On May 2, 2013, at 10:34 AM, Michael Hendry <hendry.michael at> wrote:

> I have chosen DD/MM/YYYY as the date format for my GC installation (version 2.411 running on Mac OS X version 10.8.3), and in investigating the setting up of a once-every-24-weeks scheduled transaction, I find that the mouse-hover description of this transaction in the SX calendar uses MM/DD/YYYY. 
> Where the DD part is 13 or more, it's obvious what's going on, but there's scope for confusion for all dates earlier in the month.
> I've posted this in the Users list - should it be put through as a bug? If so, how?

Yes, please.

John Ralls

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