Newbie Transactions entry
Michael Hendry
hendry.michael at
Tue May 14 13:56:04 EDT 2013
On 14 May 2013, at 18:40, John R. Sowden <jsowden at> wrote:
> Thank you for your response. Unfortunately, I am now in a situation where my gc window is blank(gray). There are not options that I can find in the drop down menus to open an account (such as a checking account from which to process cash related transactions. Under 'Actions', one might expect to see 'Open an Account, or 'Create a transaction'.
Ah - you need to Create a Chart of Accounts before you can do anything!
It's so long ago that I did this that I can't remember how it was done, but I think that Actions=>New Account Hierarchy should get you there. Guidance is available at paragraph 5.1 of the help system.
You'll see that I've cc-ed my response to the list - this ensures that someone with the same problem that you've had doesn't follow the unfolding mystery and find that the last page (the one with the solution on it!) is missing.
> Until I get past this, I am unable to process your sequential commands, again which I appreciate your creating.
> John
> On 05/13/2013 10:41 PM, Michael Hendry wrote:
>> On 13 May 2013, at 16:43, David T. <sunfish62 at> wrote:
>>> John--
>>> What do you mean by "numbers disappear"? That makes no sense to me.
>> David,
>> I suspect that John is trying to use account numbers instead of (or in addition to) account names.
>> John,
>> You asked for a keystroke description of a few transactions, but you may have to go back a stage, to the setting up of the accounts themselves.
>> 1. Create a new account Assets:Current Assets:Cash-Local Bank, with the appropriate Identification etc. for your situation.
>> 2. Create a new account Expenses:Utilities.
>> 3. From the Accounts Tab, open the Cash-Local Bank account.
>> 4. The highlighted field in the register should have today's date in the date column of an otherwise blank transaction.
>> 5. Type 01/01/2013 into the date column, and <TAB> to the next field.
>> 6. Type 6454 into the Num column, and <TAB> to the next field.
>> 7. Type Local Garbage Company into the Description column, and <TAB> to the next field.
>> 8. Use the pull-down in the Transfer column, and select the Utility account, press <TAB> twice.
>> 9. Type 90 into the Spend column, and press <ENTER>.
>> I've ignored the Memo field for the moment, but if you can enter the bare bones of the transaction, you can put some flesh on later.
>> If you can get over the first hurdle, I'm sure your book-keeping experience will allow you to deal with the more complex transactions.
>> Michael
>>> Also, what do you mean by "my data entry changes"? I do not understand that either.
>>> David
>>> P.S. -- Try to keep the discussion on the list; there are many other people there who may understand your troubles better than I.
>>> On May 12, 2013, at 10:36 PM, John Sowden <jsowden at> wrote:
>>>> On 04/29/2013 04:42 PM, David T. wrote:
>>>>> Try looking at:
>>>>> HTH,
>>>>> David
>>>>> On Apr 29, 2013, at 11:37 AM, "John R. Sowden" <jsowden at> wrote:
>>>>>> I must really be smokin' somethin. In the Journal entries, the credits and debits should be reversed.
>>>>>>> I have tried several times over the recent years to use gnucash. The big hangup is transaction data entry. I seems that the data entry user interface was made to be like one of the Intuit products.
>>>>>>> I have seen several help programs discuss this issue, but I was only able to learn "do not press <enter> until the transaction is complete".
>>>>>>> My OS is Ubuntu 13.04
>>>>>>> Could someone give me a sequence of keystrokes to execute the below typical transactions.
>>>>>>> Please note: our accounting method is cash accounting, not accrual.
>>>>>>> tia,
>>>>>>> John
>>>>>>> Sample Transactions:
>>>>>>> Pay a Bill:
>>>>>>> 01/01/2013 Check #6454 Local Garbage Company Memo: Jan - Mar Service
>>>>>>> CR Cash-Local Bank Account No. 111.0 $ 90.00
>>>>>>> DR Utilities Account No. 644.0 $ 90.00
>>>>>>> Pay an employee:
>>>>>>> 01/02/2013 Check #6555 Harry Smith Memo: Payroll
>>>>>>> CR Cash-Local Bank Account No. 111.0 $ 1200.00
>>>>>>> DR Salaries-Field Workers Account No. 601.1 $ 1500.00
>>>>>>> DR Fed Income Tax With. Account No. 211.0 $ 100.00
>>>>>>> DR State Income tax With. Account No. 212.0 $ 50.00
>>>>>>> DR Social Security With. Account No.: 213.0 $ 50.00
>>>>>>> DR Medicare With. Account No. 214.0 $ 50.00
>>>>>>> DR State Disability With. Account No. 215.0 $ 50.00
>>>>>>> Journal Entry:
>>>>>>> 03/30/2013 J0004 (no payee name) Memo: Post Quarter's Vehicle Depreciation
>>>>>>> CR Depreciation-Vehicles Account No. 602.3 $ 300.00
>>>>>>> DR Vehicles-Accum Deprec. Account No. 120.1 $ 300.00
>>>>>>> CR Depreciation-Office Eq. Account No. 602.6 $ 125.00
>>>>>>> DR Office Equip-Accum Dep. Account No. 121.1 $ 125.00
>>>>>>> Report:
>>>>>>> List all transactions for a vendor (or all vendors)
>>>> Good Evening:
>>>> I don't have a problem with the accounting issues, my problem is when I open a "split" (all transactions are "splits"), numbers disappear and my data entry changes, before my eyes! It's like the programmer and the accountant are not in reasonably close communications. I still have a problem with GC not recognizing account numbers.
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