OFX/QFX import

Alan Schold aschold at q.com
Wed May 15 13:46:52 EDT 2013

I have an investment account with Merrill Lynch. A couple of times a 
month I download dividend and investment activity. M/L sends it as a 
.QFX file which I save onto my desktop then Import into GnuCash. I see 
the list of activity in the Generic Import Transaction Matcher, make any 
changes necessary and insert the data into GnuCash.

Last Saturday the file seemed to download, but the GITM came up empty; 
although I know there was activity in the account. If I export data as a 
.OFX file, the results are Identical.  If I export the data as a .CSV 
file and use that setting to import into GnuCash, the data is present, 
but I don't know how to get it automatically inserted into the GnuCash 

I'm using version 2.4.11. I have a desktop with Windows 7 and a laptop 
with Windows XP. The problem is the same on both computers .

Thanks for your ideas.

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