Cut & Paste

John Ralls jralls at
Wed Nov 20 23:51:43 EST 2013

On Nov 20, 2013, at 4:14 PM, prl <prl at> wrote:

> I've not had any problems with that are peculiar to pasting from other applications into OS X GnuCash. My main need for this is pasting the transaction reference number from my bank's Web interface into the corresponding GnuCash transfer popup that comes up when I complete the reconciliation of my credit cards, and I schedule my payment from my savings account to the credit card.
> There are two things that get in my way:
> 1. I normally want to put the reference number into the Notes field of the transaction, but there's no option to do that in the Transfer popup window (only Memo); and
> 2. I can't paste from Firefox (or GnuCash, for that matter) into *any* field in the Transfer popup.
> Though I normally encounter this problem in the Transfer popup at the end of a Credit Card reconciliation, the problem is also easily reproduced in the Transfer Funds popup that comes up when the Transfer button on the toolbar is clicked.
> I've had this problem ever since I started using Gnucash on at least OS X Lion, Mountain Lion and Mavericks. I certainly have it with GnuCash 2.4.13 in OS X Mavericks 10.9.
> My workaround is to enter all the other transaction details in the popup, create the transaction, then paste the bank's reference number into the Notes field of the new transaction, which does work.
> The pasting problem normally arises when I'm pasting from another application (almost always Firefox), but I can't paste from GnuCash into this popup, either.
> Peter
> On 21/11/2013 08:58, David Bergum wrote:
>> Mark, I'm assuming you are talking about Mac OS using command-x, c, or v.  They work within Gnucash, but you can't copy and paste from another app due to a GTK bug on Mac, I think.  I thought it was fixed when Mavericks came out, but I was mistaken and it just works within the application.
>> On Nov 20, 2013, at 11:07, WillysTech <willystech at> wrote:
>>> I'm a long time user of GnuCash, but I am still using version 2.4.8. Cut
>>> and paste (ctrl c and ctrl v) is a important feature for me and they did
>>> not work on the newer versions.  I would like to update GnuCash, but would
>>> like to know if cut and paste is now supported.  Thanks.

The bugs that David is referring to have been fixed in Gtk, but we haven't done a new release in the 2.4 series that uses the new versions of Gtk. 2.6 will. In the meantime, the bugs are with the binding of cmd-v in text fields. Those fields also have a context menu (ctrl-click or right click) which should work to paste into them. I haven't tested this on the Transfer popup, so I'm interested to know if it works or
doesn't in that case.

John Ralls

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