Announcement: GnuCash 2.5.8 (Unstable) Release 2013-11-18

Geert Janssens janssens-geert at
Thu Nov 21 14:10:54 EST 2013

On Thursday 21 November 2013 19:50:16 Ulrike Fischer wrote:
> Am Thu, 21 Nov 2013 19:29:04 +0100 schrieb Geert Janssens:
> >> I would like to test the unstable version on a win 7 PC. But I need
> >> a working (and stable) Gnucash too. Is it possible to install the
> >> unstable version side-by-side to the stable version?
> > 
> > Hi Ulrike,
> > 
> > Unfortunately you can't install two versions of GnuCash side by
> > side. The old and new version will step on each other's toes in
> > several ways.
> Pity. That's such a neat feature (my tex systems and also my editor
> can be installed this way and I love it).
> > But you can install the new version, run some tests and then install
> > the old version again to continue you normal work.
> > 
> > To avoid overlap as much as possible I would suggest to use a
> > separate user account for your testing and make a copy of your data
> > file to that user account.
> > 
> > When done testing, return to your normal user account and reinstall
> > the stable version of GnuCash.
> I'm sorry I'm quite willing to copy my gnucash file around and also
> risk to have to reenter an number of transaction during such a test,
> but I don't have the time to install and reinstall software.
Huh ? Installing GnuCash on Windows takes about 3 minutes if you have the installers 
available on disk. I don't see how you can't have time to do that but you have time to run 

You wouldn't run those tests on your main data file without backing it up would you ?

> Perhaps I can make some tests on my laptop - but it is still win xp
> and so not really "current".

That would also be valid for testing. There may be some corner cases where Win7 vs Win XP 
would matter, but most of functionality doesn't depend on the Windows version.

Anyway, whatever you are willing to do for testing is appreciated. :)


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