Trouble installing 2.5.8 on Win Vista

Geert Janssens janssens-geert at
Tue Nov 26 05:24:19 EST 2013

On Saturday 23 November 2013 09:25:05 Tom Vrankar wrote:
> I know it's an alpha, but someone might either find this helpful, or
> might help me. I was a heavy user of gnucash during the 2.2 series on
> this same machine, but went away for a while. 
> I've tried several downloads and Windows Vista sessions (power
> cycles), but the installer hangs (with full 25% CPU utilization on an
> early quad-core) at the same place each time:
> Extracting files. ..
> ... themes\Blueprint-Ice\gtk-2.0\radioactivePrelight.png
> The extract dialog can't be canceled; the process has to be killed in
> task manager. Where are the extracted files? Should I try to install
> what's been extracted (progress bar was very close to the end)? 
> Any ideas what's wrong, and if it's not on my end, can it be addressed
> in the betas? 
> Thanks.
> Tom
> twv at, 401.573.5843
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I didn't see an explicit answer, so here goes.

Apparently the installer for 2.5.8 is broken. Newer nightly builds appear to work fine.

You can either test one of these or use 2.5.9(0) which should be released this weekend.


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