Simple instructions to add my own quote source

Ken Farley farleykj at
Thu Nov 28 23:14:45 EST 2013

I figured it out, and it's nothing like what I thought. Apparently, on 
Mac OSX, there are a couple of places where the Finance::Quote modules 
are stored. I was trying to put stuff in one of them, and the other one 
was where I was supposed to be putting things. The one being used on my 
system is /Library/Perl/5.10.0/Finance/Quote.

The method I used to solve the problem and actually obtain quotes for my 
bonds is:

(1) cd to /Library/Perl/5.10.0/Finance
(2) Change the permissions of to 666 or anything that will let 
me edit it.
(3) Edit with your editor of choice (Emacs for me).
(4) Change the @modules value in the "new" sub to include my quote 
module, in this case "USBonds".
(5) Save the file.
(6) Change the permissions of back to 444 to make it "safe" again.
(7) cd into the Quote directory.
(8) cp the new module Perl file here, in this case "".

Note that for most if not all of the file manipulations, like chmod and 
cp, you'll need to sudo them, as in "sudo cp ~/ ."

Once all these things are done, and presuming the Perl code is okay, 
quotes should be available, tested by issuing the command


and looking for the module of interest, in this case "usbonds".

Crikey, this stuff is not necessarily straightforward, is it. But it's 
good to finally figure it out.

On 11/28/13 12:30 PM, Derek Atkins wrote:
> I suggest you focus on that. Did you update to tell F::Q 
> about your new grabber?  Is your grabber listed if you run gnc-fq-dump 
> with no arguments?
> -derek
> Sent from my HTC smartphone
> ----- Reply message -----
> From: "Ken Farley" <farleykj at>
> To: "Derek Atkins" <derek at>
> Cc: "Mike Alexander" <mta at>, "David Reiser" 
> <dbreiser at>, "Derek Atkins" <warlord at>, 
> "gnucash-user at list" <gnucash-user at>
> Subject: Simple instructions to add my own quote source
> Date: Thu, Nov 28, 2013 11:44 AM
> No, I didn't. I have no idea why it doesn't work. No idea whatsoever. 
> I know it isn't there, but have no feedback on why not. I'm looking 
> for a "why not", but just getting back "no".
> On 11/28/13 10:49 AM, Derek Atkins wrote:
>> Ken,
>> On Thu, November 28, 2013 9:43 am, Ken Farley wrote:
>>> I'm using GnuCash version 2.4.13. I think that's the current release.
>>> The quote sources are "Single", "Multiple" and "Unknown". From what I've
>>> seen, my source is supposed to be in the "Unknown" category.
>>> I haven't done anything with the source code for GnuCash. I didn't think
>>> it would be necessary.
>> Did you get gnc-fq-dump working?  Nothing else will work until that does.
>> -derek

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