Blank transactions appearing on one half of transaction
jeff at
Tue Oct 1 10:56:25 EDT 2013
On 10/1/13 10:32 AM, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Hi,
> Jeff <jeff at> writes:
>> On 9/27/13 5:23 PM, Tommy Trussell wrote:
>> On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 12:05 PM, Jeff <[1]jeff at>
>> wrote:
>> I just happened to come across an issue where I noticed that one
>> side of a
>> transaction is blank while the other side is fine. This blank amount
>> causes the
>> balance of that particular account to be incorrect, which obviously
>> completely
>> defeats the purpose of using GnuCash.
>> I am using GnuCash v2.4.13 on Mac OSX v10.8.5 Mountain Lion.
>> I have found several transactions with this same problem, and the
>> one common
>> factor seems to be that there is an exchange rate involved between
>> them (one in
>> USD and the other in CAD).
>> So normally I import transactions from a CSV file into say my USD
>> Bank Account
>> register. Once they are imported, I open this register/account (its
>> a BANK
>> ACCOUNT in this case). I then manually go thru each transaction and
>> change the
>> Transfer from Imbalance to the appropriate EXPENSE account. If it
>> involves
>> different currencies the Exchange Rate dialog will open up, and I
>> will set
>> either the Exchange Rate to the To Amount as required. In this case
>> the
>> Exchange Rate is set to 1.0.
>> Is there a way to search for all these blank transactions? They
>> do not
>> appear
>> when I search for a Value equal to 0.00
>> Is there a way to have all these accounts re-updated
>> automatically
>> without
>> having to manually search thru each register and manually try to
>> fix
>> it?
>> Thanks
>> SO are you saying that these transactions do not show up in the
>> Inbalance-USD (or whatever is your local currency) account? That's the
>> easiest way to find them. If you have a circumstance where they are
>> being assigned to another incorrect account, you should be able to open
>> them up.
>> If there truly is only one account defined in a transaction, then that
>> sounds like a serious bug.
>> No they do NOT show up on any Imbalance or Orphan account. One side is
>> in USD BANK ACCOUNT and other side is in CAD EXPENSE ACCOUNT. You can
>> use the JUMP button to jump back and forth between them (there is no
>> split).
>> I filed a bug report and attached some screenshots here:
>> [2]
>> So if you look at the screenshots it might better explain what I am
>> trying say.
>> Thanks
> They can't be searched because the transaction data is broken. The
> empty about is not '0', it's literally empty. The issue is that there
> is clearly a case where you change the destination account which also
> changes the target currency but the scrubber doesn't get re-run and as a
> result the number is 'removed'.
> Unfortunately there is no automated way to find these broken
> transactions. You'll have to look for them manually.
>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> -derek
Is it possible to export all the data in some kind of text or XML format and then search
the text for some specific empty entry that would point to the problem?
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