Using gnucash

Maf. King maf at
Tue Oct 15 11:35:30 EDT 2013

On Mon 14 October 13 13:40:09 Ed at Theabacusstudio wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been advised that gnu cash would be a good accounting program for me
> to use for my furniture business, I have downloaded it and had a bit of a
> play to try and work out if it will work for me. It seems nice and simple
> which is what i'm after, I have been trying to work out whether it is
> possible to input a purchase from my business account (e.g me buying a
> table to sell on) so that the item is then added to my assets (stock).
> Can you please advise if this is possible and if so how do I go about it?
> Thanks.
> Ed Plumb

Hi Ed,

Firslty, gnucash isn't an inventory / asset management program, so don't 
expect to be (easily) able to track individual asset value and time tracking 

With that out of the way, you could handle this with a transaction from the 
Bank account and the transfer account being something like 

By the way, I'm not an accountant.


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