Which Accounts to record unpaid salaries to Employees?

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at mtdata.com
Tue Apr 1 09:24:40 EDT 2014

>> My business is running at a big loss and I need to record
>>salaries as a type of Account Payable because I need to record that I owe
>>employees their salaries but I can not pay them now.
>How you handle this really depends on how your government requires that you 
>account for employee taxes and other deductions.

I will second this AND add that whether claims for unpaid employees 
wages come before or after liabilities to your vendors (the rules of 
your jurisdiction will almost certainly have them come after taxes).

GET PROFESSIONAL ADVICE!  In a situation where you may be facing 
liability you might well be wanting to separate liabilities into 
categories of priority (who has first claim on remaining assets, who if 
you don't pay in full you go to jail, etc.)


There is no possibility of social justice on a dead planet except the equality of the grave. 

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