Update+Reconcile in OFX import

Dustin Henning The00Dustin at gmx.net
Fri Apr 4 05:50:39 EDT 2014

I leave the description blank and write a memo (because the memo otherwise
just has what I assume is GnuCash-generated import info).  U+R updates the
description for me on version 2.4.15 in Windows when I import the OFX file
from my bank.  Actually, it updates the description even if I already did
type something, which is another reason I put my notes in the memo.  My
transactions aren't scheduled, though, they are manually entered.  I'm not
sure what you mean by transaction reference.  David's suggestion to not even
schedule them and just import might work for you, but can you clarify what
you are seeing and in what environment in case it is helpful for anyone else
who may be able to provide additional input?

-----Original Message-----
From: gnucash-user
[mailto:gnucash-user-bounces+the00dustin=gmx.net at gnucash.org] On Behalf Of
David Carlson
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2014 23:10
To: gnucash-user at gnucash.org
Subject: Re: Update+Reconcile in OFX import

On 4/3/2014 3:07 AM, Bertrand Marc wrote:
> Dear Gnucash users,
> I've set up minimalist scheduled transaction with dates and amounts. I 
> didn't write a description/memo or a transaction reference since these 
> may change every month.
> I was hoping that when importing OFX from my bank, selecting U+R would 
> update the description, the memo and the transaction reference, but it 
> doesn't work. Is there a way to force the import tool to update the 
> transaction ?
> Best regards,
> Bertrand
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