
Liz edodd at
Sun Apr 6 18:06:33 EDT 2014

ngrrsn wrote:
> So frustrated right now.  Installed program several months ago and started
> work, then big lag in time.
> Started tutorial today step by step.
> Got to part to save my file.  Good grief!  Bad instructions on what name
> to
> give, why, or where.  Or, create new folder?  Each time? or just once for
> my accounting (personal, not business).
> Kept getting message  couldn't write to ?  and/or permission required.  No
> permission, I am the only one that uses this thing!
> I uninstalled, hunted for any file *gnu* search, and deleted those.
> Reinstalled, but did not get opening window warning that program
> instructions mention for "new installation".  Tried to save, got same
> thing.
> This is not cool.  Can't find help on this issue.
> Norm

Norm, can we have some details?
Which OS, as each have their own way of handling permissions
Which version of Gnucash
and to where are you trying to save that you get "permission denied" or
whatever your error message is.


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