use of sqlite

Fast Radio fastradio at
Sat Apr 12 18:12:21 EDT 2014

I don't think  that will work.  The exported file is for a single report - at leasst that was what I got.

Llinux Mint has everything pre-installed.
I would  simply try opening the complete Windwos file uisng GNU Cash in LInux Mint,"after" I installed GNU Cash from the package manager.

On Saturday, April 12, 2014 5:27 AM, Colin Law <clanlaw at> wrote:
On 12 April 2014 11:12, Charles Kanavle <charles at> wrote:
> I have used gnucash 2.4.11 for years in windows XP, and now wish to transfer
> the data to my new linux mint 16 machine, which has gnucash 2.4.13.
> When I try to open my file, a message appears about a missing back end.
> I noticed that creating a new file, and then saving it, only offers XML, and
> no sqlite, which I have been using in windows.
> Is there a setup I need to do?

I /think/ that you need to install libdbd-sqlite3


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