Redundant copies of transaction splits in report

David Carlson david.carlson.417 at
Tue Apr 15 21:54:38 EDT 2014

On 4/15/2014 2:57 PM, Donald Muir wrote:
> I entered a deceased person's stockholdings in a single Asset account
> called "Portfolio". He had 34 holdings, I entered a single transaction
> with 34 splits into the same account, like this:
> Asset Account > Portfolio
>     01  Invesco fund       Dr:  8,862.00
>     02  Microsoft          Dr: 16,486.75
>     ...
>     34  County Water Co    Dr:  4,901.37
> Asset Distribution Account              Cr: 347,050.28
> The General Ledger report prints one copy of the entire transaction
> for each of the 34 splits, plus another copy of the entire transaction
> in the Distribution account. That's 35 x 35 lines of print - another
> forest gone and a pint of ink (it will stay electronic until I solve
> this problem).
> Question 1:
>     How do I restrict the report to a single line for each holding
> (split) in the Portfolio account ?
> Question 2:
>     How can I suppress the Total (Cr) lines from the Portfolio account
> (I only need it once, in the Distribution Account) ?
> It should end up like this:
> Asset Account > Portfolio
>     01  Invesco fund       Dr:  8,862.00
>     02  Microsoft          Dr: 16,486.75
>     ...
>     34  County Water Co    Dr:  4,901.37
> Total Portfolio balance                       347,050.28
> Asset Distribution Account
>     George's Portfolio                     Cr: 347,050.28
> Total Distribution balance                   -347,050.28
> GnuCash version is 2.6.3, OS is Linux Mint 13 (Maya)
> Thanks for any ideas - DM
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I am having trouble with trying to understand your problem.  First, you
do not make it clear whether you are recording shares of these stocks or
simply dollar values.  Shares would each need their own separate
commodity accounts.   If you are just using dollar values are you giving
each stock a separate asset account or just another split line in the

Next, why use one huge transaction? It would be easier to have separate
transactions for each stock. 

Finally, I am not sure exactly which report you are using.  I think
using an investment portfolio report or balance sheet report  with
appropriate option settings might work better.

David C

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