Similar GNU cash program needed

Geert Janssens janssens-geert at
Thu Apr 24 08:55:35 EDT 2014

On Wednesday 23 April 2014 22:53:29 Jamestk wrote:
> Thanks for all of the replies folks.
> I would rather stick with GNU Cash which ticks all of the boxes in
> terms of my requirements. Looking back, there was probably a degree
> of frustration in my post as I struggled with the data entry (see
> related thread)
> 665181.html
> The other concern was reading the bug report for the new version where
> one user reported 4 minutes to load the application. Mine is no where
> near that at around 40 -50 seconds or so but it is taking a lot
> longer, also moving around inside the app has a 'delayed' feel to it.
> That hanging between tabs is displaying all the signs of freezing
> although it hasn't done so yet.
Some users have reported that the lags you experience while using the 
program can be eliminated by choosing a different gtk theme for gnucash 
(and optionally choosing a windows proper font like Calibri). But 
unfortunately this didn't fix it for all users. You can change both 
theme and font with a little tool called "Select Theme". In Windows 
versions prior to 8 this could be found in the "GnuCash" group of the 
Start menu. I'm told Windows 8 has eliminated the groups metaphor so you 
will have to search for it.

This won't improve the loading speed which has increased in 2.6.x 
because the loaded data undergoes an additional sanity check. This was 
introduced because we discovered in an earlier version it was possible 
to save data in an invalid format. The extra check is to fix such issues 
right at the start.

> I don't know the protocol involved in new releases but my initial
> thoughts were 'this hasn't even been tested' and here I am entrusting
> all of my data.
GnuCash was tested before release. The Windows release inevitably gets 
less testing because we don't have any developers working natively on 
Windows and except for a few brave souls most users only switch to the 
new version *after* release.

> Sorry to be on a bit of a downer, just voicing my concerns as an end
> user.
The speed issue is bothering me as well (although I'm not using 
Windows). But for now there's unfortunately no solution.


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