Advanded portfolio breakdown

Scott Armitage account+gnucash at
Mon Apr 28 17:50:27 EDT 2014

There are many different tax systems in the world, each of which has its
own codes and processes and rebates. GnuCash cannot possibly cover
everything. The Advanced Portfolio Report lets you review your holdings and
their performance over time, but when it comes to submitting taxes, you
should 100% *always* rely on the tax documents provided by your broker(s).

On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 5:44 PM, Mike or Penny Novack <
stepbystepfarm at> wrote:

> Scott Armitage wrote:
>  The portion coming from stock price increase, also known as capital gain,
>> will be reflected by your "unrealized gain", while dividends will be
>> reflected by your "income".
> I'm really going to jump in here again, after pointing out that I am NOT a
> qualified tax advisor.
> LOGICALLY what you said is correct. The gain that comes from an increase
> in the price of the stock is a "capital gain". But whether you end up
> reporting that as "income" or a "capital gain" is going to depend on the
> tax code and this MAY (it used to) depend on the length of time from when
> the stock was bought to when it was sold. The tax code MAY tax (what it
> considers) capital gains at a different rate than ordinary income.
> Michael

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