need help with stock investment reporting

John Morris johnjeff at
Sat Aug 2 11:31:26 EDT 2014

On Aug 2, 2014, at 3:51 AM, Wm wrote:

> Fri, 1 Aug 2014 17:42:02 <07692CCB-3F18-435B-9BEB-0A111F03B6BC at>  John Morris <johnjeff at>
>> Hi Wm,
>> I am also new to GnuCash, so I have not yet worked out all the details. Also, I don't have a lot of time to dedicate to switching from Quicken to GnuCash, so I expect it to take a while yet. So far, I figured out how to munge the .qif from Quicken so GnuCash did not choke on it and all the data went where I wanted it to go. Then I figured out this bit about what to do with Quicken's classes and that I could run a grep search and then report on the search results. I trust (hope) that I will find a report that meets my needs once I get around to looking into it. If I had to, I could export the information from the search to a spreadsheet, but I would like to avoid that. It seems to me that my financial software should be powerful enough to generate the reports I need on a regular basis.
> Where are you using grep?  Are you grepping the raw XML or using REs as in the Trial Balance family of reports?
> -- 
> Wm...

No, nothing that fancy. I'm just using the Find function. The middle drop-down menu offers matches and does not match regex in addition to contains. I have not explored the reports much, so I don't know what Trial Balance is.


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