Stroring data in PostgreSQL ... create anew?

Matěj Cepl mcepl at
Sun Aug 31 18:05:18 EDT 2014


I want to make it possible to work on the shared home accounting 
between me and my wife (do I have to have the exact same version 
of GnuCash on both systems? I have RHEL-7 with 2.6.3 and she has 
still RHEL-6 with 2.4.15). I promise I will be careful not to 
access the data simultaneously, but playing with SQL database 
seems to me more simple than setting up NFS or Samba to share an 
XML file (BTW, what's better: XML or SQLite?)

I have created a database gnucash on the server and I can access 
it with psql from my workstation. group 'dbusers' (of which both 
of us are members) has ALL privilegis granted on the database.

Now, when I try to Save As data to postgresql (on RHEL-7) I get 
an error message "The file postgres://matej@localhost/gnucash 
already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?" (why?  
I have just created an empty database) and when I say "Yes" it 
fails with "The server at URL postgres://matej@localhost/gnucash 
experienced an error or encountered bad or corrupt data."

The psql shows this:

gnucash=> \dt
List of relations
Schema |  Name   | Type  | Owner 
public | gnclock | table | matej
(1 row)

gnucash=> select * from gnclock;
hostname |  pid  ----------+-------
wycliff  | 11741
(1 row)


Any idea, what's wrong?



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