Can't direct connect to Capital One Business account
Howdy Doody
h0wdyd3wdy at
Wed Dec 10 12:32:15 EST 2014
Thanks. I also noticed that something else may be the issue.
I have another bank account with another bank that works flawlessly with
direct connect.
I went in to go edit that user to see if I could see what settings were
different, and I noticed it had nothing for bank name. When I tried to
click ok and save it, it said I must specify a bank name.
Since that time, the Bank Code has been set to 00000000000 for that user
also! And, since then, I get the same user/pass error on this different
account with a different bank. Is it some issue with gnucash?
Now both users for the two banks have bank code 0000000000 and not the
correct bank code, and neither work anymore.
On Wed, 2014-12-10 at 12:12 -0500, David Reiser wrote:
> > On Dec 10, 2014, at 11:55 AM, Howdy Doody <h0wdyd3wdy at>
> > wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I changed the subject line because I do not have a Capital one 360
> > account, but a business account.
> >
> > 1. I did confirm with tech support that they DO support direct
> > connect on this account, but will only help me do it via Quickbooks.
> > 2. They told me to use bank name "Capital One Bank (after
> > 12-15-13)"
> > 3. When I set up the user in aqbanking wizard, bank code remains
> > 00000000000 no matter what I do. My other accounts have the correct
> > bank code.
> > 4. When I click retrieve accounts, it generates either the following
> > errors:
> >
> > 10:49:52 Status for signon request: General error (Code 2000,
> > severity "ERROR")
> > Error other than those specified by the remaining error codes.
> > (Note: Servers should provide a more specific error whenever
> > possible. Error code 2000 should be reserved for cases in which a
> > more specific code is not available.)
> > 10:49:52 Status for account info request: Signon invalid (Code
> > 15500, severity "ERROR")
> > The user cannot signon because he or she entered an invalid user ID
> > or password.
> > 10:49:52 Operation finished, you can now close this window.
> >
> > This is regardless of whether or not I generate a client uid or have
> > it blank.
> >
> > I use the same user/pass to login to the following URL:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Talks about the client UID. I don't know if that's the problem?
> >
> > Thank you,
> If you have reasonably secure access to a machine that can run
> Quickbooks, I recommend:
> Get the 30 day free trial
> Set it up to download your transactions
> Find the location of the ofx.log file
> Read the log file (it is plain text)
> If QB ofx data streams are the same as Quicken data streams, the
> address of the ofx server is in the logs
> You may be able to tell from the logs if the ClientUID is being sent
> Not sure on that--I don't have a bank that insists on ClientUID
> yet
> By using Capital One support to set up the download, you'll also find
> out if they maintain a separate ID and password for directconnect vs.
> web page account access. One of my brokerages works that way.
> --
> Dave Reiser
> dbreiser at
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