using account numbers in gnucash

R. Victor Klassen rvklassen at
Mon Dec 22 17:51:16 EST 2014

I actually think David has a good point.  If I knew my tree never had a branching multiplicity more than 10, and its depth ran to 6 levels, a 6-digit number would be much faster to type, especially with a numeric keypad.  And in a more typical case, I do know I don’t have a branching multiplicity of more than 100, and its depth is only 4, so 8 digit numbers would work fine.

As for GNC not being designed to work that way, why is the feature there?  I would claim it *is* designed to work that way, and it is designed to work that way optionally, so if you don’t want to learn account numbers you don’t need to.  

It also sounds like - although I’ve not tested it - by assigning account numbers I can change the order of the lines in a report, such as an income statement.  Which could be handy.  

I don’t think David ever said GNC should have compulsory account numbers.  Nor did he choose to insult the person on the other end of the conversation.

Can we keep it civil?

On Dec 21, 2014, at 8:33 AM, Wm <wm+gnc at> wrote:

> Fri, 19 Dec 2014 07:37:06 <54942A02.5020001 at>  David Carlson <david.carlson.417 at>
>> On 12/18/2014 10:34 PM, Wm wrote:
>>> Thu, 18 Dec 2014 21:47:41 <54939FDD.1020207 at>  David Carlson
>>> <david.carlson.417 at>
>>>> My account numbering is only for my convenience, nobody else's.
>>> Glad we cleared your independence up.  If you want to explain how you
>>> developed your individual numbers, feel free.
>>>> I find
>>>> it much easier to enter a six digit number on a numeric keypad than to
>>>> enter a sequence of letters separated by colons on a full keyboard.
>>> Even if that isn't how gnc was designed to work?
>>>> What works for you is different, obviously.
>>> Yes, I'm in accord with gnc and how it works rather than fighting it.
>>> I'm happy to listen to you.
>> Sorry, but according to chapter 5.2 in the GnuCash manual :
>> "Note that accounts not only have names; they may have codes,
> OK, I'm sorry to have to say this but that is a language thing.
> In english MAY is an option
>> to order
>> the accounts.
> It is an option, I don't use them unless it helps me or the org I am working for.
>> When a report is generated, the sort order is determined
>> by the numbering. It’s customary to have the leaf accounts end in
>> non-zero digits, while parent nodes have increasing numbers of zeros."
> Custom needs a place.  I do not recognise the place, you must state where it is.
>> GnuCash _is_ designed to use account numbers.
> Explain, please.
> I have a set of accounts with no account numbers at all.  Not a joke or challenge, a statement of fact.
>> They can be used both for
>> data entry and for reporting.
> Note again you say CAN rather than need to be.
>> Lucky for you in GnuCash they are
>> optional, not mandatory as they are in some other accounting programs.
> Ah, now we get to the nub.  You think gnc should have compulsory account numbers because another bit of software, possibly in another jurisdiction has similar rules?
> I say that since I don't need them you don't either.
> If you are foolish enough to be dumb and obedient use whatever software you like.
> All I ask is that you don't pretend it is necessary or compulsory.
> -- 
> Wm...
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