Unable to amend transaction amount for completed Scheduled Transaction entries
wm+gnc at tarrcity.demon.co.uk
Tue Dec 30 12:57:58 EST 2014
Tue, 30 Dec 2014 12:23:11
<1307538111.807755.1419960191421.JavaMail.zimbra at pacifera.com> Graham
Stoddart-Stones <gstones at pacifera.com>
>That appeared to do the trick, Wm!
I can't remember why or how I found out.
>Thank you very much.
You're welcome.
Can you say what it was that was causing the problem ? Your report was
nicely detailed so I'm guessing you might be the sort of person that
would aid others in a similar situation in future.
This seems to occur so rarely I'm not even sure if it is a bug or a
documentation thing, I remembered the answer but not what it was exactly
I was solving! (A function of having gone around in a circle and just
moving on at the time).
If it is related to Cancelled / Voided / Reconciled / other flag
transactions then I think there may be a bug in that it doesn't make a
lot of sense for a flagged transaction to carry the flag into scheduled
Is that making sense? If you voided a mobile phone bill once would you
expect the flag to be carried over to a scheduled transaction ? I
suggest most people wouldn't but I can also see that someone that
meticulously reconciles their accounts might want a scheduled
transaction with the reconcile flag set by default.
Hopefully there are enough clues in the conversation for the mystery to
be solved more easily next time this happens to someone else.
>From: "Wm" <wm+gnc at tarrcity.demon.co.uk>
>To: "gnucash-user" <gnucash-user at gnucash.org>
>Sent: Tuesday, 30 December, 2014 13:58:13
>Subject: Re: Unable to amend transaction amount for completed Scheduled
>Transaction entries
>Tue, 30 Dec 2014 08:19:21
><1986191261.648868.1419945561549.JavaMail.zimbra at pacifera.com> Graham
>Stoddart-Stones <gstones at pacifera.com>
>>Environment: Using gnucash 2.6.5 on a Windows 7 laptop.
>>Requirement: amend an entry in an account that was originally entered
>>via Scheduled Transaction. eg mobile phone subscription is a monthly
>>fixed cost, but needs to be amended if subscriber has sent more texts
>>than are covered in monthly plan
>>Problem: gnucash permits the amount to be changed, but refuses to save
>>it. Cursor will not move from the line being changed - ie it is frozen,
>>no other transactions are permitted. The only way out is to Discard the
>>Notes: 1. I have been using gnucash for five years, and many versions.
>>This had never happened to me before I upgraded to 2.6.4. When I found
>>it there, I upgraded to 2.6.5 to see if that resolved the matter - it
>>did not.
>>2. I tried disabling all transactions in the Scheduled Transaction
>>register, saving, and then exiting from gnucash, and starting again -
>>ie with zero scheduled transactions. This did not resolve the problem.
>>3. One can amend all other transactions without a problem - this
>>problem only occurs for an entry created by the Scheduled Transaction
>>4. Temporary workaround: I have resorted to creating a second entry for
>>each of the affected amounts, so that the combination of the two
>>records equals the entry required. This is a lot of extra work!
>>Has anybody else encountered this, please (could not find anything in
>>the archives, the FAQs or the mailing lists)? Any ideas on what to try?
>See if you can change the transactions in Tools / General Ledger. Pay
>particular attention to the Reconciliation flag.
>I had something similar once with, IIRC, a Cancelled or Voided
>I'm guessing the template transaction you used for your Scheduled
>transaction must have inherited a flag.
>Let me know if that helps either way coz if it doesn't I'll try and
>recall more clearly.
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