Advanced Portfolio Report

Alun Champion alun at
Wed Feb 12 15:07:56 EST 2014

It was clumsy wording income is subtracted from cost basis when
calculating rate of return, not a tax consideration.
I look at the Advanced Portfolio more to get a sense of performance
not tax implications.

On 12 February 2014 12:14, Mike Alexander <mta at> wrote:
> --On February 12, 2014 9:48:26 AM -0600 David Carlson
> <david.carlson.417 at> wrote:
>> In the US, your third sentence "The dividend income reduces the cost
>> basis..." does not apply to the tax code computation for capital gains
>> or losses.  However, round trip (purchase and sale) commissions do
>> reduce the cost basis and net capital gain or loss in this country.  I
>> believe that is not true in some other countries.  If not, then
>> perhaps the report could use an option for US computation versus
>> Canada or Australia, for example.
> This is the first time I've heard of dividends affecting the basis. The
> report has no provision for that.
> I'm adding an option to control whether commissions and other fees affect
> the basis (US style) or not.  In order to fix this and other problems, I've
> had to rewrite the main loop in the report (it was getting very convoluted).
> The new version is running now, but needs more testing.  I'll let you know
> when it's ready to try.
>       Mike
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