OFX versions supported?

John Gowing john.gowing at jotrago.co.za
Thu Feb 13 08:51:00 EST 2014

   OFX imports from my bank suddenly stopped working.
   Comparison of the current files with the last working one from 2 months
   ago reveals a significant change in content even though the version in
   the header is still stated as 1.0.2.
   Checking on [1]www.ofx.net I see we are now up to version 2.1.1, and
   more significantly that a major change from SGML to XML occured going
   from 1.6 to 2.0
   I suspect my problem lies with the bank's implementation (and they are
   investigating) however this does raise the question of which version(s)
   of OFX are supported in GNUCash ?
   And hence, if my bank has moved to a newer version, and they fix their
   headers accordingly, what are my chances of being able to import from
   newer version of OFX?


        John Gowing
   [2]JoTraGo - Right First Time, Better Next




   1. http://www.ofx.net/
   2. http://www.jotrago.co.za/
   3. http://www.jotrago.co.za/
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