Advance Portfolio Report Retrieval of Stock Prices
Richard Lindgren
rlindgren74 at
Thu Feb 13 10:23:14 EST 2014
There was confusion on how to get on the correct mailing list to request
help. If this is a duplicate, I apologize. In any case here is my request.
Everything has been just GREAT up until this morning. I received an email
from SourceForge alerting me to install the latest version of GnuCash. I
usually try to stay up-to-date with the program. I installed it and now my
price retrieval for the Advance Portfolio stopped working. Well, I then
proceeded to update Perl. I installed it and even went to the GnuCash
folder and did the install there as well. Still no luck.
I get the message: "Unable to retrieve quotes for these items:". All of the
stocks and funds that I tract are listed there and yet it says that it
cannot retrieve the prices. If I manually put in a price, it does show up
in the report. What I need is the automatic and current price retrieval
like it did before.
I checked the help section to find the problem and I found this;
To determine if the Perl module Finance::Quote is already installed on
your system, type:
"perldoc Finance::Quote" in a terminal window and check to see if there
is any documentation available. If you see the documentation, then the
module is installed, if you do not see the documentation, then it has not
been installed."
I found it
Thank you in advance for your help.
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