matching invoice payment to existing checking acct entry
gnucash at
Fri Feb 14 16:24:19 EST 2014
On 14 Feb 2014 at 9:22, Geert Janssens wrote:
> On Wednesday 12 February 2014 13:19:56 Stephen Biggs wrote:
> > Is there any way to match a payment to an already existing
> entry?
> > Right now, what I do is cause the payment which then enters in a
> > transaction in my checking account which is a duplicate of an
> already
> > entered transaction from my bank records.
> >
> > What I then do is to copy the information from my bank record
> > transaction into the new entry as that one is the one that
> probably
> > has links to all of the other accounts that this transaction may
> > touch as paid, and then erase the bank record transaction.
> > Cumbersome.
> >
> > Is there a way to do this already and I just am missing it?
> >
> Yes, there is (since 2.6).
> But let me first see if I understand your question correctly:
> Your situation is that you have an existing transaction in your
> checkings account and an unpaid invoice. The existing transaction
> actually represents the payment for the invoice, but was entered
> some
> way outside of the business features (manually or imported for
> example).
> Your solution to fix this is to use the business features' "Apply
> Payment" for the invoice. This creates a second transaction
> representing
> the payment for the invoice, but it may have some other
> description/date/whatever. That information you copy over from the
> first
> transaction. When satisfied you delete the first transaction.
> So a number of steps to replace the first transaction with the
> second
> ensuring your payment to be really linked with the invoice.
> If that's what you do, there is an alternative solution since
> gnucash
> 2.6:
> Starting from the situation of an unpaid invoice and an existing
> transaction representing the payment you can now
> - open you checking account
> - right-click on the relevant transaction
> - from the pop-up menu choose "Assign As Payment..."
> - this will open the business "Apply Payment" window with some
> information pre-filled
> - just complete the information (choose proper customer/invoice) and
> hit
> ok.
> Your original transaction should now be processed as a payment for
> the
> invoice(s) you have selected.
> Geert
Thanks. This is exactly what I was looking for. I have two questions:
1., it seems that it will show either "Customer" or "Vendor" and
there doesn't seem to be any sort of way to make it do one or the
other. What is the criteria for which one it picks?
2. I doesn't seem to want to show "Employee" expense vouchers. Is
there a way to have that?
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