FWD & SWD > Payroll

Gregory Forster fgreg74 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 14 17:26:00 EST 2014

Hi, I have a curiosity question.  I do payroll for our church.  I have 
all the accounts created.  I have the Salary expenses and the Federal 
Tax Withheld (FWD) as a liability and the State Tax Withheld (SWD) as a 
liability.  I just ran the payroll for February 16, 2014.  I credited 
the cash account and debited salary, the net amount.  I also credited 
both FWD and SWD liabilities and debited salary to create a gross salary 
amount.  The registers show everything proper as I posted.  The 
registers show  the FWD and SWD as credit amounts.  So when the FWD and 
SWD are paid, the cash account is credited and both FWD and SWD 
liabilities are debited, creating a $0.00 balance.

I created a weekly payroll report.  It properly shows the salary as a 
debit and the cash account as a credit, however shows both FWD and SWD 
as debits, not  correctly as credits, as the register shows.


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