Finance::Quote release solving yahoo quote retrieval
Chris Good
chris.good at
Sat Feb 15 15:15:53 EST 2014
> Message: 2
> Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2014 05:34:13 -0500
> From: Richard Lindgren <rlindgren74 at>
> To: gnucash-user-owner at
> Cc: gnucash-user at
> Subject: Re: Advanced Portfolio report update (Mike Alexander)
> Message-ID:
> <CAD8ROJZLvtWYKHMTX1=8y4M0sudBKuhvroHdVd-
> gFgOy5LaXCA at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> I've been following the conversations relative to not being able to get
> updated prices for the Advanced Portfolio Report. As you already know, I
> also still have this problem. Since I am not a programmer, installation of
> patch is a little beyond my capabilities.
> My real question now is, when will there be a new updated release of
> GnuCash so I can install it and get back to normal?
> Thank you in advance for your help.
> Richard
Hi Richard,
It should be very easy to manually install the fix. You just need to edit 1
text file and change 1 line.
I seem to remember you're using OpenSUSE which I'm not familiar with but
hopefully these instructions will help as they should work for any Linux...
(I gave instructions for Windows yesterday)
1) Open terminal and become root. If OpenSUSE doesn't force you to use sudo
and you know the root password:
su - (then enter root password)
sudo -i (then enter your password)
2) Find the [Country].pm file for the Yahoo country site you have set up
your securities in the GnuCash security editor
The country file should be 1 of :
# find /usr -name
Eventually this will list the full path of the file you need to edit eg
3) edit the file shown above. Use a text editor you know or if you aren't
familiar with a text editor, 'nano' is a text editor which is designed to be
simple for anyone to use.
If you use nano, just use arrow keys to move around. Any characters you type
will be inserted. Use backspace or delete key to delete characters.
nano /usr/share/perl5/Finance/Quote/Yahoo/
page or arrow down until you see a line like:
$YAHOO_[country]_URL = ("");
Change it to:
$YAHOO_[country]_URL = ("");
Do not change anything before the = sign, only change the URL on the right
of the equals sign.
"" now works for Yahoo in ALL
4) Write out the changed file - for nano: Control-o (that lowercase O, not
zero) then ENTER
5) Exit editor: for nano: Control-x
That's all. Getting price updates from Yahoo should now work. Good luck.
Regards, Chris Good
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