some hand holding please
Bruce McMillan
bruce.kevin at
Sun Feb 16 22:17:28 EST 2014
Seeking reassurance that there is not an obvious error
- for a couple days I thought there must be an error, Profit gets
added to previous year's Retained Earnings, right! Doesn't seem to tho. Then
I thought, well maybe it doesn't if there is exchange rate variation....
So please if I can be reassured that these numbers are not impossible...
AUD Micro-manufacturing business. Bank accounts in AUD & USD. Lots of
purchases in USD from both AUD & USD accounts.
Trading Accounts enabled. "Nearest in Time".
Year 1
P&L Profit: -$7,749
Retained Losses: -$7,749
Trading Losses: -$8,072
Exch Rate: 1.18 (at end of period)
Year 2
P&L Profit: -$36,308
Retained Losses: -$58,972
Trading Gains: $9,876
Exch Rate: 0.93 (at end of period)
Retained Losses grew by $51,223 to $58,972 whilst Year 2 Profit was just
Clearly, Profit has not just been added to accumulate Retained Earnings.
Is this the explanation: the US Funds at YE Year 1 have been re-valued due
to the substantial exchange rate variation in Year 2??
And Trading Gains/Losses never get expressed inside Retained Earnings. They
standalone. Right??
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