Advanced Portfolio Report

Richard Ullger rullger at
Sun Jan 19 11:30:31 EST 2014

On Sun, 2014-01-19 at 02:23 -0500, Mike Alexander wrote:
> --On January 11, 2014 3:29:05 AM -0800 PeterO <petero at> 
> wrote:
> > Thanks Mike, I have regained a bit of confidence now. Good luck with
> > the fix, looking forward to it.
> I just checked in a series of changes to the Advanced Portfolio report. 
> This turned out to be a bigger job than I expected.  Every time I 
> started pulling on a thread something else unravelled.  I'm pretty sure 
> it works better than before, but I'm also sure there are still bugs, 
> including possibly some I've introduced.
> If you want to try this and don't want to wait for it to appear in a 
> distribution, it should be possible to drop it in to any GnuCash 2.6 
> installation.  It might also work in 2.4, but I haven't tried that. 
> The one file that has changed is 
> share/gnucash/guile-modules/gnucash/report/standard-reports/advanced-portfolio.scm 
> and the new version can be found at
> <>
> If you replace this file in your installation Guile will issue a few 
> messages about compiling it the next time you run GnuCash.  These can 
> safely be ignored.  Make sure you have a backup before you replace the 
> file in case something goes wrong.
> If you try it and find problems, let me know.

Hi Mike,

I've replaced the advanced-portfolio.scm file with your version. When
running the report, all I get is a new tab with

'Report error

An error occurred while running the report.'

In the terminal I get...

In /usr/share/gnucash/scm/report.scm:
 770: 12* [gnc:report-render-html # #t]
 729: 13  (if (and (not #) (gnc:report-ctext report)) (gnc:report-ctext
 737: 14  (let ((template #) (doc #f)) (set! doc (if template # #f))
 740: 15* (set! doc (if template (let* (# # # ...) (if #
# ...) ...) ...))
 740: 16* (if template (let* (# # # ...) (if # # ...) ...) ...)
 741: 17  (let* (# # # #) (if # # #) (gnc:report-set-ctext! report
html) ...)
 743: 18* [advanced-portfolio-renderer #]
In /usr/share/gnucash/guile-modules/gnucash/report/standard-reports/advanced-portfolio.scm:
 177: 19  (let (# # # #) (letrec # # #))
 847: 20  (let (# # # ...) (gnc:html-document-set-title! document
#) ...)
 889: 21* (if (not (null? accounts)) (let* (# # # ...) (if show-symbol
#) ...) ...)
 891: 22  (let* (# # # # ...) (if show-symbol #) (if show-listing
#) ...)
 953: 23* [table-add-stock-rows # # # ...]
 371: 24  (let* ((share-print-info #)) (letrec (#) (set! work-to-do
#) ...))
In unknown file:
   ?: 25  (letrec (#) (gnc:debug "Starting account " # ...) ...)
In /usr/share/gnucash/guile-modules/gnucash/report/standard-reports/advanced-portfolio.scm:
 441: 26* (if (and (not use-txn) (or # #)) (let* (#) (while # #)))
 443: 27  (let* ((split-list #)) (while (and # #) (let # #)))
 443: 28* [reverse ...
 443: 29*  [gnc:get-match-commodity-splits-sorted (#) ...
 445: 30*   (case price-source ((pricedb-latest) (timespec-now)) ...)
 446: 31    (timespec-now)
/usr/share/gnucash/guile-modules/gnucash/report/standard-reports/advanced-portfolio.scm:446:70: In expression (timespec-now):
/usr/share/gnucash/guile-modules/gnucash/report/standard-reports/advanced-portfolio.scm:446:70: Unbound variable: timespec-now



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