Button labels gone, can't figure out how to get back

Cristian Marchi cri79 at libero.it
Tue Jan 21 15:01:41 EST 2014

Il 21/01/2014 19.41, Jonathan Kamens ha scritto:
> My Fedora 20 Linux box just upgraded GnuCash to 2.6.0.
> The button labels are gone.
> I can't figure out how to get them back.
> The documentation says that they can be set in the Windows 
> Preferences, but there's nothing there to set them.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Jonathan Kamens

In the latest 2.6 series of GnuCash, this option is no more configurable 
in the GnuCash preferences: the setting is read directly from the OS. So 
you should figure out how to change the toolbar display setting system 
wide in Fedora 20 (I've done it only in Ubuntu, can't help you with Fedora).
Can you point out where the documentation states that you can change 
this behaviour from the Windows Preferences so that I can correct it?


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