Change register colors for Windows 8 High Contrast mode

Brian Openshaw br33br1 at
Wed Jan 29 23:26:13 EST 2014


Thank you all for the great software program GnuCash.

I'm sorry if this is a repeat, but I couldn't figure out the search page.
If this should go to the user email list please let me know.

I am a 40 year old legally blind male that have very poor vision and can 
only see and read my computer when there is a black background with 
bright text.

I would like to change the register colors both background and font text 

I have tried changing the themes and like the MS-Windows one cause it is 
all bright text with black background. This might be due to the fact 
that I am using Windows 8 in High Contrast #2 (personalize) mode.
Like I said it is all bright text with black background except for the 
register window.
If I check the box "Edit->Prefrences->Register->Use System Theme Colors" 
the Register when goes all black because it is black text with black 
If I uncheck "Use System Theme Colors" box then it is black text with 
yellow/white background, which I am unable to read due to my poor vision.

I have been googling and searching and have learned about the file:


I know themse are located here:

C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\share\themes

I just don't know what to put and where to make the register a black 
background with yellow text color.
Please also let me know if "User System Theme Colors" should be checked 
or not.

Thank you so very much. I have been spending the past 2 days trying to 
figure this out.


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